Monday, July 29, 2013

Just another manic Monday

Monday, July 29, 2013

This is the first morning in about a week that I can tell that my brain is not fully awake, yet I'm functioning enough to post here. I've been trying to keep daily records of my progress, but one of two things keeps happening: either I'm SO capable first thing in the morning that I think I have too much to do to waste time journaling (and thus I later have no recollection of such days except a vague recollection that I was feeling too good to bother with journaling) or, I feel too sleepy, never fully wake up, and after a few essential tasks are completed from my morning task list, I absent-mindlessly go back to bed.

Friday was an especially bad day in that regard, because it seemed to start out well, but when I took a nap around noon, it was suddenly 6:00 am (so I thought). Actually it was around 6:00 pm Saturday. I took almost two hours to accommodate the concept that it was evening, not morning. I never did understand it was not still Friday, so imagine my surprise after I allowed my self to sleep in Saturday morning, when I was told I had missed Church!

This morning, when Jonathan mentioned it was Monday, my head started spinning, and I seriously considered going back to bed, but I decided, no, this is a day I must make things happen, meet the goals I set for myself last week, NOT miss any appointments. and so on and so forth.... (I've heard that phrase somewhere. I'm not sure what it means.)

Right now, I'm getting out my "morning" list, and I'm going to make sure everything on it is accomplised, including making a list of things to do today....

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I welcome comments that can help make this site more helpful to those experiencing similar difficulties, or for those friends, family, and professionals who take care of bicycle injury / brain trauma.victims.

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Helpful comments would include corrections of false information, references to local services that relate to my posts, or comments that help me to keep spelling, grammar, and word-choices appropriate and correct. As a brain injury victim, I depend on others to insure accuracy and to spot the kinds of errors that I may not recognize. Please feel welcome to contribute your expertise to make this site effective!