Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A good day...

A good day is when I can laugh about my difficulties, and not take them too seriously.

A good day is when I can go from imagining what I want to accomplish,
to actually writing down a goal before the idea is lost and forgotten.

A good day is when I focus on others instead of myself. I have discovered it is easier to push past my limitations if I feel someone else needs my help, than it is to push past them to meet my own needs.

A good day is when I believe I can improve.

...winning a game of chess, even if I can't recall what I did to win.

...returning home from a grocery trip without having gotten lost along the way, without having to take a nap before I could head back home, and without having to take a four-hour nap to recover, depending on others to unload the car....

...appreciating the work others have done to make my day go a little better (thanks, Audra). (She's not the only person I should thank, just the most recent.)

A good day is when I build upon yesterday's successes, and push my goals ahead a little farther.

...is when I show appreciation to others for the help they give me.

A good day happens when I choose to believe today will be a good day!

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I am developing a prototype resources website at http://bit.ly/resourcesfortbi. Please review my plans and make suggestions.

I welcome comments that can help make this site more helpful to those experiencing similar difficulties, or for those friends, family, and professionals who take care of bicycle injury / brain trauma.victims.

Since I want this site to be helpful to victims, I reserve the right to edit comments if they seem to conflict with that goal.

Helpful comments would include corrections of false information, references to local services that relate to my posts, or comments that help me to keep spelling, grammar, and word-choices appropriate and correct. As a brain injury victim, I depend on others to insure accuracy and to spot the kinds of errors that I may not recognize. Please feel welcome to contribute your expertise to make this site effective!